Postfix Tips Print

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Some tips for working with Postfix on your VPS or dedicated server hosted with Beecher Networks.

Postfix Queues

Postfix maintains two queues, the pending mails queue, and the deferred mail queue. The deffered mail queue has the mail that has soft-fail and should be retried. Postfix retries the deferred queue on set intervals (configurable, and by default 5 minutes)

Display a list of queued mail, deferred and pending

These commands display the sender, recipients and ID of all messages in the queue. The ID is particularly useful if you want to inspect the message itself.



postqueue -p

To save the output to a text file you can run

mailq > myfile.txt


postqueue -p > myfile.txt

View Message Contents In Queue

Assuming the message has the ID XXXXXXX (you can see the ID form the QUEUE)

postcat -vq XXXXXXXXXX

Process Queue

postqueue -f


postfix flush

Delete Queued Mail

Delete All
postsuper -d ALL
Delete Deffered
postsuper -d ALL deferred
Delete Selectively
See postfix-delete in Store > Server.

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